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11/7/2012 12:00 AM 6024544 00077184.jpg
11/7/2012 12:02 AM 16626000 01 Plan and design.tif
11/7/2012 12:03 AM 4914944 09 Guy on rebar.tif
11/7/2012 12:03 AM 477873 AASHTO logo_n_rev_eps.eps
11/7/2012 12:08 AM 42516564 BXP27507h.tif
11/7/2012 12:25 AM 188666272 congestion photo.psd
11/7/2012 12:08 AM 30720 Thumbs.db
11/7/2012 12:08 AM 220735 VDOT-SmartRoadsCenter2.jpg
11/7/2012 12:08 AM 475517 WB AWTY Bubbles with sun_rev.eps